Saturday, January 24, 2009

25 Random Facts

1. I broke my arm when I was about four.
2. I lived in Indianapolis, IN for a year.
3. I have been to Niagara Falls too many times to count.
4. I gave blood for the first time about a week ago.
5. I am a huge fan of Anderson Cooper.
6. I am not a big fan of books unless I REALLY find a good one (which rarely happens).
7. I read a whole book today- and no it wasn't a picture book.
8. I've always wanted to have my birthday on a school day- just to see what it's like.
9. I love big cities and someday want to live in one!
10. I've always wondered what it would be like to have a brother or sister.
11. The closest thing I have to relatives in town is my dad's cousin's wife's parents (does this count?).
12. I LOVE Monk!!!!!!
13. I went to Spain about two years ago and got lost for a couple hours.
14. I have been to 35 states, Washington D.C., and 3 countries.
15. I love Panda Express.
16. Whenever I picture myself, I see myself wearing a dress with a long button jacket over it, high heels, and walking swiftly through New York City. . .
17. The four people I want to meet most are Anderson Cooper, Barack Obama, Stryker, and Dr. Drew.
18. I wish I could read faster (I'm not slow, I just want to be faster).
19. San Diego is an amazing place.
20. I've had stitches in my mouth.
21. One of my favorite memories is playing golf and eating ice cream with Papa.
22. One time I found a 20 dollar bill in the dark!
23. On Christmas eve, I walked down the middle of the street, in the middle of the night, singing Christmas carols, and making snow angels (in the street) while it snowed.
24. I have a new found love of politics- thanks to Mr. Ragan, Anderson Cooper, and this last election.
25. If I die before I'm 100, I will be very disappointed.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Turn on the Inauguration at school!

I heard on the radio that some schools aren't going to turn on the Inauguration of Barack Obama on Tuesday. I think it is completely ridiculous not to turn it on. This is history. I for one want to witness it LIVE on Tuesday, not on the replays of it later that night. If the school district is going to make kids go to school on inauguration day, they need to turn on the inauguration. If there are kids that could care less about it then they don't have to pay attention. But for those of us that care about our government and want to see our first African American President sworn in, all TV's should be on (CNN)!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Out with the old, in with the new

Only this much time left before Barack Obama becomes the next President of the United States. Times are changing and history will be made on January 20, 2009.